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Multi-Factor Authentication
Updated over 5 months ago


Multi-Factor authentication adds extra security to your account. This article explains how this new feature works and how it ensures your firm's safety and security.

How Multi-Factor Authentication Works

Multi-factor authentication adds an additional security step to the login process. You must enter a secret code to verify your identity, and only then can you access your MyCase account.

MyCase offers three ways to receive this secret code: SMS, Email, and the Google Authenticator Application. How you obtain the secret code will depend on your MFA method of choice.

During the MFA setup, you can select “Remember this device for 30 days,” meaning MFA will only be required every 30 days on your device. If you login into your MyCase account from a different device, you will be prompted for your MFA code. You can also choose to have MFA required on each login by not selecting this option.

Multi-Factor Authentication Enablement

MFA is required for your account. You will be prompted to set up MFA. You can skip this setup five times. After that, you are required to enable MFA.

On the initial MFA setup screen, you will see the three options: SMS, Email, and the Authenticator Application. Select the one you will use.

Setting Up SMS MFA

After choosing SMS as your MFA method, you will be asked to enter a phone number associated with your MyCase account. This phone number must be able to receive SMS messages.

  1. Enter a phone number

  2. Click Get Code

  3. MyCase sends a code to the phone number entered

  4. Enter the verification code on the next screen.

  5. Click the checkbox to Remember this device for 30 days

  6. Click Verify

  7. Once the correct code is entered and verified, MFA is established, and SMS will be your MFA method.

Setting Up Email MFA

After choosing Email as your MFA method:

  1. Enter an email to associate with your MyCase account. This email does NOT have to be your login email, but if you use the same email address for both accounts, please ensure your email credentials are extremely secure.

  2. Click Get Code

  3. You will receive a code from MyCase by email

  4. Enter the code on the next screen

  5. Click the checkbox to Remember this device for 30 days

  6. Click Verify

  7. Once you enter the correct code and verify, MFA will be established, and Email will be your MFA method.

Setting Up Google Authenticator Application MFA

You will be directed to the setup screen after choosing the Authenticator Application as your MF. The Google Authenticator application must be installed on your mobile device.

From inside the Google Authenticator Application:

  1. Click the plus sign in the lower right corner to initiate.

  2. Scan the unique QR code displayed on your screen (do not use the one in the image above, as it will not work).

  3. Enter the code from the Google Authenticator app.

Once you enter the correct code and verify, MFA will be established, and the Authenticator Application will be your MFA method.

Best Practices

  1. Before resetting MFA, the firm admin should confirm that the person they are speaking to is an actual employee.

  2. We recommend having more than one Admin on an account if the MFA needs to be reset. If you are a solo admin, you must go through MyCase to rest your account; having more than one admin mitigates this need.

  3. For a user to manage your firm’s Multi-Factor Authentication options, they must have permission to Manage your firm's preferences, billing, and payment options? checked as Yes.

  4. If you use email as your authentication method, ensure your email credentials are extremely secure.

If you are the sole firm admin and need your MFA reset, click here for more information.

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