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Creating an Invoice [w/ VIDEO]

This article will walk you through creating an invoice in MyCase.

Updated over 6 months ago

Table of Contents:

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To create a new invoice, click the Billing tab. Then, click the Add Invoice button.​

You will then be taken to the Create a New Invoice screen (pictured below). At this point, you will have two options (pictured below, under the green arrows):

From Open Balances:

Shows you every client and matter that currently has an open balance awaiting invoicing. Hourly matters with open time entries/expenses and flat fee cases that still have unpaid balances will all appear here. In the right-most column of every case is a green link titled "Invoice This Case"; clicking this will bring you to the Invoice Editor with all of the open balances and time entries/expenses automatically added to the invoice.

From Scratch:

Use this option to create ad-hoc invoices for any case/matter in the system. Clicking this will bring you straight to the Invoice Editor where you will then choose a client and case/matter to invoice.

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Invoice Customization

In MyCase you can decide which information appears on your invoices. Choose which time or expense entry columns you want your clients to see by navigating to the Invoices Customization section under your Client Billing & Invoicing Settings page (see below).

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Once you select edit, you have the ability to deselect all of the columns that you don't want to show on your invoices.

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Additionally, any user can remove all time entries during creation to make expense-only invoices (and vice versa). To do this, create the invoice as you normally would and then select the gray trash can icon on the right hand side to remove all time entries, now only expenses will show. If you need to make invoices with time entries, complete this process and only your time entries will be available to bill for.

Please Note: When you remove entries from an invoice they will not be delete, only removed from the invoice for billing at a later time!

Setting your Invoice Theme

In MyCase your firm has the option to choose which type of Invoice Theme you would like to represent your firm. To change the invoice theme for all future invoices, navigate to the Settings page > Client Billing & Invoice Settings > Invoice Customization. Currently, you have the option to choose from our Standard or Modern Theme for all of your invoices. Users can choose between invoice themes to find the one that better fits your practice and represents your firm to your clients.

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Please Note: Once a new invoice theme is chosen, this will only apply to invoices that you create moving forward, all previously created invoices will remain in the theme that they were originally created with.

The Invoice Editor

Whether you clicked "Invoice This Case", or opted to created an invoice from scratch, you will be taken to the Invoice Editor. This is where you can add/edit/delete line items on the invoice, apply discounts, setup payment plans, choose who you want to share the invoice with, etc.

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Invoice Header Block - The Invoice Header Block is where you can enter basic information about the invoice such as due date, client and case information, invoice number, etc. Invoices can also be added without a case by selecting 'None' from the case information section.

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Filter by Date Range - All time and expense entries have dates associated with them. Specifying a start and date in the Filter by Date Range pickers will pull in time/expense entries that fall between those dates.

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Accept Online Payments - If you have linked MyCase to your bank account, you will have to option to turn on online payments for this invoice. Learn more about Invoice Online Payments.

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Flat Fees - All flat fee amounts will appear here. You can add, edit, and delete/remove flat fee entries from the invoice.

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Time Entries - All time entries will appear here. You can add, edit, and delete/remove time entries from the invoice.

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Expense Entries - All expense entries will appear here. You can add, edit, and delete/remove expense entries from the invoice.
Create discounts and additions for items such as tax, interest, early payment discounts, etc.

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Unpaid Invoice Balance Forward - When you are creating a new invoice for a case/client, you can take any previously unpaid balances and forward them onto the new invoice. Learn more about Forwarding Invoice Balances .

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Adjustments- Create discounts and additions for items such as tax, interest, early payment discounts, etc.

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Terms & Conditions / Notes - Enter any terms, conditions, or notes that you would like included on the invoice. Learn more about how to create default terms and conditions.

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Apply Trust & Credit Funds - If there are Trust Account or Credit funds available in your clients' account, you will be able to apply them to the invoice at this time. Learn more about Applying Trust & Credit Funds When Creating an Invoice. Show Trust & Credit Account on Invoice - You can include a summary, or full history, of a client's trust account and/or credit account on the invoice. Simply select an option for the dropdown. Learn more about including trust and credit history on an invoice.

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Payment Plan - Use the payment plan feature to breakup the invoice total into individual payment installations. Learn more about how to create Payment Plans.

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Share This Invoice - Select the contacts you'd like to share this invoice with by clicking the checkbox next to their name. This will post the invoice to the person's MyCase Client Portal or you can choose to share the invoice via email. Click here to learn about what your client will see when you share an invoice.

No-Case Invoicing

MyCase makes it easy for you to create an invoice for contacts whom you need to bill for a consultation, or to bill clients who need a basic task done that isn't necessarily associated with a case or matter.

When creating an invoice, at the top left select the contact first. If the contact you've selected has cases linked to them, their cases will be available to choose as well as an option for 'None'. If the contact is linked to one case, then that case will be the default option. If the contact you've selected does not have any cases linked to them, 'None' will be the only option.

To make sure the invoice is created and not linked to a case, select 'None' under the 'Matter' section.

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When an invoice is being created and not linked to a case, the invoice will default to have a flat fee line item. Simply add your notes and the amount of the flat fee. You can also add more flat fees if you require them. Time entries and expenses will not be an option unless a case file were to be chosen.

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After the invoice is saved, it can be shared via the client portal or emailed directly to the client's email. Separately, a link to a payment page can be copied and sent via text or email if you have online payments turned on.

The invoice can be found in the Invoices section under the contact details. It can also be viewed in the main Invoicing section in the Billing tab.

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