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Time Tracking

This article will walk you through the multiple ways you can track your time within MyCase.

Updated over a week ago

This article will walk you through the multiple ways you can track your time within MyCase.


To create a new time entry, click the Add Time Entry on the Dashboard or Add Item Menu. You will be taken to the Add Time Entry window. Let's take a closer look at that screen.

Adding a Time Entry

  1. Case Link - Specify the case/matter that the time entry should be associated with.

  2. User - Specify the firm user that the time entry should be associated with. By default, your name will appear here. If you are adding this time entry on behalf of someone else, select that person's name from the dropdown menu.

  3. Activity - The Activity dropdown will populate will all of the activities you have in MyCase (client meeting, drafted document, court appearance, etc.). Learn more about Billing Activities.

  4. Non-billable - Select this box if you would like to make the time entry non-billable. This is useful for when you'd like to show the client you worked on something, but did not charge them for it. It's also useful for reporting purposes because you can track all of the time you've spent on a case without having it affect the amount the client owes you.

  5. Description - Enter a detailed description for the time entry. This description will appear on the invoice. For example, you may have chosen Phone Call for the Activity of the time entry. The description field is where you can describe the nature of the phone call so it is clear to the client when they receive an invoice.

  6. UTBMS Codes - LEDES 1998B is a standard format for electronic legal billing that uses a very specific format guide. Learn more about Ledes Billing

  7. Date - Enter the date the time entry took place. By default, today's date will be populated.

  8. Rate - Enter the hourly rate that you would like to bill this time entry at. If you have a default hourly rate specified, it will appear here. Learn more about Default Billing Rates. Notice the dropdown menu that lets you choose "hour" or "flat". If you are creating a time entry that will be billed a flat rate, make sure you choose the "flat" option.

  9. Duration - Enter the duration of the time entry in a billable hour format. For example, six minutes would be entered as ".1" and 30 minutes would be entered at ".5". If you'd like to add a duration with two digits after the decimal point, you will need to enable Two Digit Time Entries.

Once you have entered the information for the time entry, click on Enter Time to add it to the system.

Bulk Add Time Entries

You can bulk add time entries for a specific user. To complete this, select add time entry, like entering a single entry and then choose the option for Bulk in the upper left hand corner. You will then be prompted to enter multiple entries at one time.

Please note: The user must have a default or case rate associated with that user to bulk add time entries.

  1. Date - Enter the date the time entry took place. By default, today's date will be populated.

  2. User - Specify the firm user that the time entry should be associated with. By default, your name will appear here. If you are adding this time entry on behalf of someone else, select that person's name from the dropdown menu.

  3. Case Link - Specify the case/matter that the time entry should be associated with.

  4. Activity - The Activity dropdown will populate will all of the activities you have in MyCase (client meeting, drafted document, court appearance, etc.). Learn more about Billing Activities.

  5. Description - Enter a detailed description for the time entry. This description will appear on the invoice. For example, you may have chosen Phone Call for the Activity of the time entry. The description field is where you can describe the nature of the phone call so it is clear to the client when they receive an invoice.

  6. Duration - Enter the duration of the time entry in a billable hour format. For example, six minutes would be entered as ".1" and 30 minutes would be entered at ".5". If you'd like to add a duration with two digits after the decimal point, you will need to enable Two Digit Time Entries.

  7. Non-billable - Select this box if you would like to make the time entry non-billable. This is useful for when you'd like to show the client you worked on something, but did not charge them for it. It's also useful for reporting purposes because you can track all of the time you've spent on a case without having it affect the amount the client owes you.

  8. Add Additional - Enter the hourly rate that you would like to bill this time entry at. If you have a default hourly rate specified, it will appear here. Learn more about Default Billing Rates. Notice the dropdown menu that lets you choose "hour" or "flat". If you are creating a time entry that will be billed a flat rate, make sure you choose the "flat" option.

Create Time Entries Through Calendar Events

  1. A time entry can be added within previously created calendar events. The button will appear unless the event is an all day or multi-day event. To add a time entry to an event, click the name of the event on your calendar to open the calendar event information page.

  2. You will be presented with the ‘Add Time Entry’ icon and once clicked, this will have the case, date, duration and description pre-filled based on the event information. Any fields that are empty can be filled in for the time entry.

  3. Click ‘Save Time Entry’. When the time entry is saved on the event, it will be saved to the case file where it can be viewed, edited, removed, or placed on an invoice. You can also view the time entry from your recent activity feed.

Create Time Entries Through Tasks

  1. A time entry can be added within previously created tasks. To add a time entry to a task, click the name of the task from your Tasks tab to open the task information page.

  2. You will be presented with the ‘Add Time Entry’ icon and all of the task information.

  3. Once the Add Time Entry icon is clicked, this will have the case, date, and description pre-filled based on the task information. Any fields that are empty can be filled in for the time entry.

  4. Click ‘Save Time Entry’. When the time entry is saved on the event, it will be saved to the case file where it can be viewed, edited, removed, or placed on an invoice. You can also view the time entry from your recent activity feed.

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