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Smart Time Finder

With Smart Time Finder working in the background, tracking all activities done in MyCase, you’ll meet your firm's billing targets.

Updated over 4 months ago

With Smart Time Finder working in the background, passively tracking all activities done in MyCase, you’ll be sure to meet your firm's billing targets, improve efficiency, and maximize case profitability. Stop losing money on forgotten entries while simultaneously spending less time and energy tracking your time!

Accessing the Smart Time Finder

To access your firm’s Smart Time Finder simply click on the link titled “Smart Time Finder” in the bottom footer next to your hours billed. A new window will appear with your day’s activities.

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How It Works

Smart Time Finder is your end of the day go-to place to ensure that you have properly billed for all the actions you took that day. Throughout your day in MyCase the Smart Time Finder will track:

  • Calls logged

  • Calls resolved

  • Messages sent to a contact

  • New notes saved

  • Uploaded documents (drag and drop not yet supported)

  • Tasks and subtasks marked as complete

  • Events that are shared with you

Please Note: activities associated with a lead are not logged in the Smart Time Finder since it is not possible to create a time entry for a lead.

Activities with the “Track Time” button do not have any known time tracked for them. If you have any time entries created for the same day and the same case, you will be prompted to review them to see if you already tracked time for this activity before creating a new time entry. This will prevent you from double billing a single activity.

If you have already tracked time for the activity, select “This activity has been tracked” to hide it. If not, chose “Add new time entry”. Once you track time for the activity, you will see the time entered reflected in the Smart Time Finder.

Hide tasks that are not billable, these could include administrative tasks, duplicate work, or ones that have been tracked through our typical Add Item menu or Timer. You always can choose to show your hidden activities should you ever need to review them in the future.

Filtering Activities

When viewing all of your daily activities there are a few things that you have the ability to filter by to only show exactly what you are looking for: Date and choose to Show Hidden.

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Date: The Smart Time Finder displays one date at a time, use this date selection to view to find more forgotten time.

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Show hidden activities: This allows you to show activities that you have previously chosen to hide and not bill for.

Time Tracking Best Practices

Add time entries throughout the day right from your calendar, after creating a note or call log, sending a message or working on a task using the “Add Time Entry” buttons on each activity. Check Smart Time Finder at the end of the day to capture all those forgotten activities that may have slipped through the cracks. By using these “Add Time Entry” buttons embedded on activities, you’ll not only be making sure that you bill for your time but also reduce the number of activities you’ll need to review at the end of the day.

We have implemented embedded timers for when you are recording a call. This timer can be paused if needed and restarted to ensure you are recording the proper duration. When creating a time entry from one of these activities the duration field will be automatically filled in for you.

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