To enter time entries with two digits after the decimal, you will need to update a Firm Preference.
By default, time entry durations will only have one digit after the decimal point: 3.1 or .3.
However, law firms that track their time in 15 minutes increments may want to enter two digits after
the decimal point: 3.15 or .35.
To enter time entries with two digits after the decimal, you will need to update a Firm Preference. Note: Only the Admin User of your law firm's MyCase account can do this.
1. Click Settings
2. In the menu to the left, under Firm Settings, click Client Billing & Invoice Settings.
3. Then, click the blue button labeled Edit Preferences.
4. There will be a field called Time Entry Hours. Choose Display 2 numbers after the decimal point.
5. Click Save Preferences.