If you have multiple attorneys at the firm who can sign a document, you can easily bring data from MyCase, for example, the Lead or Originating Attorney's Full Name, Cell Phone, Email, Title, Billing Rate, and Billing Type.
To add Bar Numbers to your Advanced Templates, you can create a conditional field.
Step 1: Create the Attorney Name field
Map it with Firm Staff and Titles > Full Name
Select if you need the Lead or Origination Lawyer's information
Step 2: Create a conditional field to auto-populate the bar numbers
Make sure that you type the Attorney Name in the IF statement exactly how it appears in MyCase
Each attorney will have an IF statement within the same conditional field. To add more bar numbers click the "Add a condition"
At the time of drafting the Attorney Name will be auto-populated with the Attorney's name who got assigned to the Case. The Bar number will auto-populate based on this name.