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Conditional Fields Overview

IF/THEN statements in your Advanced Document Automation Templates

Updated over 10 months ago

"Conditional" fields offer a flexible way to define conditional text and paragraphs within your document. By utilizing a "Conditional" field, you can specify that a field's value should be determined by the value of one or more other fields.

"Conditional" fields allow you to specify as many conditions as you like, set a default value if those conditions are not met, or "exclude" (remove) the field if the conditions are not met.

Your conditional field will always have an IF and a THEN statement:


Will include three textboxes:

1: The field your conditional field will depend on ( this has to be an already existing field in your templates)

2: Conditional operators: you can choose between different options: equals, does not equal, greater than, less than, is empty, is not empty, contains, does not contain

3: Select a value: if the field your conditional field will depend on is a single-select field, you'll see a list of options. Otherwise, you can type values in this text box.

4: AND/ OR statement: You can add additional constraints to individual conditions using "AND" & "OR"

NOTE: When specifying multiple individual conditions within a conditional field, the conditions are evaluated in the order that they are defined. For example, if we had a list of individual conditions:

  1. IF “Number” < “3” THEN “Less than three”

  2. IF “Number” = “2” THEN “Equals 2”

The conditions will be evaluated from #1 - #2. If the value of “Number” was “2” in this case, #1 would be executed first, and the value of the conditional field would be “Less than three.” Since the #1 condition is evaluated as true first, all other conditions after it are skipped.


You have 5 options to choose from based on what you want to achieve:

Short text

  • Does not support hard carriage returns. The text will wrap.

  • The language you insert in the THEN statement will be automatically inserted into the document if the individual condition passes

Long text

  • Hard carriage returns used in this THEN statement are recognized ( e.g signature lines, paragraphs)

  • The language you insert in the THEN statement will be automatically inserted into the document if the individual condition passes

Rich text

  • Text will use styling specified in the Rich Text field

  • The language you insert in the THEN statement will be automatically inserted into the document if the individual condition passes

Single select

  • Creates a drop-down menu from which one option can be selected

  • This THEN statement will create a follow-up question and only appears if the individual condition passes


  • Creates an input field (single-line text)

  • This THEN statement will create a follow-up question and only appears if the individual condition passes

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