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Contact Details Page Breakdown
Contact Details Page Breakdown
Updated over 7 months ago

The Contact Details Page provides valuable and important contact record information. Let's examine the various sections of the Page.

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You can select a series of tabs: Contact Info, Case Link, Contact Activity, Notes, Billing, Messages, Text Messages, and Emails. Let's look at each section.

Contact Info Tab

This tab displays all the contact information for the person and the custom fields that you have in the system for them.

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Case Link Tab

This tab will display all the cases/matters that this person has been linked to. You can view their linked cases, as well as link them to additional cases using the Add Case Link button (right side of the screen).

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Contact Activity Tab

This tab displays the Client Portal activity for your client or contact.

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Notes Tab

Displays all of the notes that have been linked to this person.

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Billing Tab

Shows all of the billing information associated with this person. You will notice a sub-tabs for:

  • Trust History: Displays a ledger of all deposits and withdrawals made to their trust account. You can make deposits and withdrawals from this screen as well.

  • Credit History (if enabled): Display a ledger of all deposits and withdrawals made to their non-trust credit account. You can make deposits and withdrawals from this screen as well.

  • Requested Funds: Displays a list of all the requests for funds you sent the client.

  • Invoices: Displays a list of invoices associated with this person's cases/matters.

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Messages Tab

Displays all of the Messages and Email Messages (saved using the old Email Integration tool) linked to this person. Email Messages are differentiated from internal MyCase Messages by the envelope icons.

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Text Messages Tab
This tab displays all text messages sent to the client through the MyCase Text Messaging feature.

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