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Editing User Access Permissions

A firm's Admin Users have the ability to restrict access to the different features of MyCase on a per-user basis.

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A firm's Admin Users have the ability to restrict access to the different features of MyCase on a per-user basis.

This is useful for situations such as:

  • Hiding time & billing from lower-level staff

  • Restricting someone's ability to delete items from MyCase

  • Allowing someone to view all cases in the system, or only those they are linked to

How to Edit User Access Permissions

To edit user permissions, navigate to Settings > Firm Users.

A list of the firm user's that have been added to your firm's MyCase account will appear. Find the user you want to edit permissions for, then click the pencil icon in the permissions column of their row.

The permissions settings will be revealed:

Feature Access Permissions

Each major feature can be set to Add & Edit, View Only, or Hidden.

  • Add & Edit: Gives user full access to add and edit items related to the feature.

  • View Only: User can view the items related to the feature, but cannot add or edit them.

  • Hidden: The feature will be completely removed from the users MyCase account. It will be as if the feature was never available to them in the first place.

Restrict to Time Entries & Expenses Only

Restricts user's billing access to view/edit time entries, expense entries, and saved activities only. The user will not be able to see the rate associated with their time or other firm users' entries.

Users with this restriction will no longer be able to view/manage: billing dashboards, invoicing, payment activity, trust accounting, and non-trust retainers/credits.

Additional Permissions

You can specify additional permissions for a user to:

  • Access data from every case in the system or only those he/she is linked to: This setting refers to their display and interaction of case data (such as billing-related items, documents, tasks, and events). By selecting “Only linked cases"; firm-wide billing totals in the main Billing tab will also be hidden from this user.

  • Add new attorneys, paralegals, and support staff to your firm's MyCase account: This setting refers to the ability for the firm user to add new members of your firm to MyCase. Learn more here.

  • Edit user permission settings: This setting allows this firm user to change these settings for other firm users.

  • Delete items (events, documents, etc.) from MyCase: This setting allows the firm user to completely remove items from MyCase.

  • Manage your firm's preferences, billing, and payment options: This setting allows the firm user to update overall firm preferences as well as manage your MyCase subscription options. Learn more here.

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