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Open API
Updated over 7 months ago


An open API, also called public API, is an application programming interface made publicly available to software developers, on behalf on MyCase subscribing firms.

MyCase’s Open API allows firms to connect more of the other softwares that they use to MyCase for increased data sharing, decreased manual error-prone duplicate entry, and creating more automated workflow processes.

Open API is available exclusively in the Advanced Tier.



How do I get support for using the Open API?

Although MyCase does not directly provide support for API implementations, you can hire one of our Certified Consultants to help. Please refer to MyCase Certified Consultants for more details.

How does my firm get started?

First, start by checking our API Documentation to see the current capabilities of our API. If your potential use case implementation seems feasible with our current API capabilities, please contact MyCase support to start the process of gaining access to the API.

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