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Case List Report

MyCase's Case List Report allows you to view a report of cases based on several different filters and group them how you would like.

Updated over 9 months ago

MyCase's Case List Report allows you to view a report of cases based on several different filters and group them how you would like. Looking to report based on your case custom fields? You can also customize this report to include any case custom fields that you would like, remove any standard fields, and even sort the table’s columns in an order that you would like them to appear. Finally, you can filter this report by querying data based on your custom fields.

You can filter the report to show cases based on: case status (open/closed), firm users, lead attorney, practice area, case stage, office, originating attorney and date range. You can also group cases by case stage, office, lead attorney, practice area, firm user, client, and fee structure.

How do I run the Case List Report?

To access the Case List Report, click the Reports tab at the top of the screen. In the left-hand menu, click on "Case List Report". You will be taken to a blank version of the report (pictured below). To run a case list report for every case with standard fields applied, simply click the blue Run Report button.

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You can drill down deeper into cases by using the Filter Options listed at the top of the screen(pictured below). After changing these filtering and/or group options, you will need to click the Run Report button to refresh the data.

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Case Custom Field Reporting:

If you would like to customize this report even greater, select the Customize Columns button. A pop-up window will appear where you will have the ability to select additional custom fields to include, remove any standard fields, and drag and drop fields to adjust the order.

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Custom Field Queries:

You have the ability to query this report based on specific custom field data. For example, say you practice estate law and you would like to have a list of all cases that have an estate worth more than $50,000. If this were set up as a currency custom field, you can select that custom field and filter the report to only query cases that have an amount ‘greater’ than $50,000. Another example is say you want to search for all cases that will take place at the Downtown Superior Court Building, this will list them for you. As long as your firm enters this information as a case custom field, you can query it.

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Saving Report Configurations

When using the Case List Report, each user can save your custom filter configurations for future use. Rather than continuously rebuilding your Case List Report, you can save your reports to enable one-click generation of your custom reports. To save a report for future use, customize the report as you would like and then run the report. Next, select save report in the upper right-hand corner and then enter the name that you would like to call it.

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To view your Saved Reports, select the Saved Reports sub-tab in the upper left-hand corner. This will list all of your previously save reports, to run one of the saved reports simply click on the name of the report that you would like.

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Please Note: These reports are saved on a per-user basis

I run the same report often, can I save a default view?

If you would like a default view of your Case List report, each user has the ability to check the box for “Save as Default View” and then “Run Report” to always return to this same view. The next time that you return to the Case List Report this same view will populated. You can always alter this default view by changing the filters and running the report again with the check box select.

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Can I export this report?

The Case List Report can also be exported as either a PDF or CSV file. To export, click the Export Report drop down and choose an export format.

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