To create a expense entry, click on Add Expense on the dashboard or Add Item Menu.
You will be taken to the Add Expense window (pictured below). Let's take a closer look at that screen.
Case - Specify the case/matter that the expense should be associated with.
User - Specify the firm user that the expense should be associated with. By default, your name will appear here. If you are adding this expense on behalf of someone else, select that person's name from the dropdown menu.
Activity - The Activity dropdown will populate will all of the activities and expenses you have in MyCase (filing fee, court reporting cost, postage, etc). Learn more about Time/Expense Activities.
Billable/Non-billable Switch - Select this toggle switch if you would like to make this expense non-billable. This is useful for when you'd like to show the client you paid for something, but did not charge them for it. It's also useful for reporting purposes because you can track all of the expenses for a case without having it affect the amount the client owes you.
Description - Enter a detailed description for the expense. This description will appear on the invoice. For example, you may have chosen Court Reporting Cost for the expense entry. The description field is where you can describe more about the expense so it is clear to the client when they receive an invoice.
Date - Enter the date the expense was incurred. By default, today's date will be populated.
Cost - Enter the cost of the expense. Keep in mind, the cost will be multiplied by the Duration field to determine the final total of the expense entry.
Quantity - Enter the quantity to associate with the expense. Keep in mind, this quantity will be multiplied by the Cost field to determine the final total of the expense entry.
Once you have entered the information for the expense, click on Enter Expense to add it to the system.