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MyCase Payments Migration 2025
MyCase Payments Migration 2025
Updated over a month ago


Starting February 2025 through the end of April 2025, we will be migrating your firm from MyCase Payments to LawPay Payments.

  • With this change, your new pricing for Visa, Mastercard and Discover will be 2.99% + $0.30 per transaction, American Express will be 3.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

  • E-check pricing will be 1% for transactions and $10 for returned e-checks.

  • In the event that a chargeback is initiated, a $25 chargeback fee will be charged.

  • Your Account now also includes PCI compliance support at no charge, along with a 6 month grace period to validate your PCI compliance. If after 6 months your account has not validated compliance, you may be charged a $19.95 monthly non-compliance fee until validation is completed.

  • Although some new features will now be available to you, you can expect no change to your day-to-day billing and payment workflows in MyCase.

  • New Terms of Service will apply, including the Adyen Addendum and the Agreement for Affirm Services.


Pay Later (4.95% per transaction), or legal fee financing, is an alternative payment solution that allows your firm to receive full payments upfront while your clients pay their legal fees in installments. Clients make these smaller regular payments to our third-party lender, Affirm.

How does my law firm receive funds?

Consumers will apply for a loan through Affirm, and if approved, Pay Later/Affinipay will send 100% of the funds directly to your law firm. Pay Later/Affinipay is not the lender*.

How and when will I be paid with legal fee financing?

The funds settle in your bank account via ACH transfer within 3-5 business days of each transaction.

How do I let my clients know about Pay Later loans for attorney fees?

You may mention that you offer Affirm financing via Pay Later upon your in-office consultation or intake. This is a great way to let your clients know that they have options when it comes to paying their bills.

Additionally, you can consider an email or other communication educating your clients about this new payment option. Whenever communicating with your client about Affirm financing, you must use pre-approved messaging and material provided by Affirm.

Refer to Affirm’s sample marketing tools and requirements here, share our Affirm landing page with clients, which includes FAQs, or share more information using our marketing toolkit to help answer any questions they may have and give them more insight into the application process.

To see a full list of frequently asked questions, click here, or visit our Pay Later 101 course to learn more.

**To opt-in or opt-out of Pay Later, please contact [email protected]. Customers based outside of California will be automatically enabled and can opt-out at any time. California customers will not be automatically enabled and will need to contact support to opt-in.

Banking Updates

If you currently have certain anti-fraud security tools enabled with your bank such as Positive Pay or Debit Blocks, we ask that you please contact your bank to add the bank ID 8263863381 to the allowed list. This will ensure uninterrupted deposits and fee debiting from your accounts.There is no need to remove existing bank IDs. In fact, these are necessary to process any active transactions during the transition.


  • You now have access to Monthly Statements!

What has changed?

Beginning March 2025, we are improving the way we display your credit card and ACH processing fees. You will now access your fees as a consolidated statement within MyCase under your Settings | Statements page. We will batch all your fees once a month, rather than on a daily basis, as you historically have seen in your MyCase Credit Card Fees report. This means fewer line items to reconcile for your firm when you do your bookkeeping!

When will the new statements be available?

Your new statement will be available in MyCase on the second day of each month, reflecting the prior month’s fees. For instance, on April 2nd, one would be able to access their statement for all fees processed in March.

You will receive an email notification when your statement is ready.

What does this mean for the Credit Card Fees Report?

While the majority of your credit card fees will be accessible in your new consolidated statement, there will be a period of time during which some fees will be reflected separately in your Credit Card Fees Report. Note: fees shown on the Credit Card Fees Report will not be reflected in your new consolidated statement. Please check both sources for a holistic view of all your fees.

I preferred a single view of all my fees. Will I always have to check both the new consolidated statement and the Credit Card Fees Report?

No. Over time, we will reflect all fees on your new consolidated statement.

See screenshot example of your new statement format below –

POTENTIAL CARD BRAND FEES (may be applicable - details below)

  • Foreign Card Fee: 1.75%

  • American Express Assessment Fee - 0.165% (16.5bps)

  • American Express Card Not Present Fee - 0.30% (30bps)

MONTHLY CARD BRAND FEES (may be applicable - details below)

  • Allocated Card Brand Fees - $4.99/mo.

Except for Allocated Card Brand Fees, which is a flat monthly dollar amount, all of these rates are on top of normal processing rates.

Will there be changes to my Credit Card Payout Report?

Yes, we will be consolidating payout information for all payment methods- including credit card, e-check, and Pay Later- into a single new LawPay Deposit report that will be accessible in MyCase under your Financial Reports.

Please note: some payouts such as those emanating from previously saved client credit card transactions will be reflected on the legacy Credit Card Payout Report. These payouts will not be displayed in the LawPay Deposit Report. Please check both sources for a holistic view of all your payouts.

I preferred a single view of all my payouts. Will I always have to check both the new LawPay Deposit Report and the Credit Card Payout Report?

No. Over time, we will reflect all payouts on your new LawPay Deposit Report.

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