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All CollectionsAdvanced Document AutomationConditional Fields ( IF/THEN statement)
How to conditionally Insert a Paragraph in Advanced Document Automation Templates
How to conditionally Insert a Paragraph in Advanced Document Automation Templates

IF/THEN statement to insert a paragraph in your document.

Updated this week

You have different options to conditionally insert paragraphs in your documents:

Step 1: Create a field your conditional field will depend on:

Step 2: Create conditional field IF statement.

Determine when the paragraph should be included.

Step 3: For the THEN statement, you have 3 options:

Option 1: Insert a multiline text THEN statement ( change THEN statement by clicking the down arrow on the top right of the THEN text box).

The language will inherit the formatting of your document and the entire paragraph will have the same type of formatting.

Option 2: Insert a Rich text THEN statement if you need more than one type of formatting within the Paragraph.

Option 3: Insert a Clause

The language will inherit the formatting of your Clause.

Inserting a Paragraph as a conditional field THEN statement vs. Clause

If you need to edit a conditionally inserted Paragraph, and you typed it as a THEN statement, you need to edit every corresponding template with the new language.
If you referenced a Clause, you only need to edit the Clause in the Clause Library and all corresponding templates will be automatically updated.

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