After you have sent a Request for Funds, you can track them in several places throughout MyCase.
If you would like to understand how to send out a simple electronic Request for Funds, Click here.
You can view all outstanding requests by navigating to the Billing Tab > Requested Funds. From here, you can filter the outstanding requests based on their status. All requests that do not have a due date will be found under the "Sent" status.
On an individual Client's Details page, you can view requests by navigating to the Billing sub-tab. Requests sent will also appear in the recent activity feed.
To delete a request, click the Trash Can located at the far right of the row. NOTE: You cannot delete a request that has a payment linked to it. In order to delete a request, you'll need to delete the deposit payment as well. Electronic payments cannot be deleted, so requests with linked electronic payments also cannot be deleted.
When a request has been paid, the firm user who sent the request will receive an email notification. Any firm user who has full billing permission will see a notification of payment in the recent activity feed. Payments will also automatically be updated in the Trust History and Accounting sections of MyCase, which includes all relevant Trust accounting reports.