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Working within Dropbox

After downloading the MyCase Sync for Dropbox, you will notice a new folder in your Dropbox account called "MyCase".

Updated over 6 months ago

After downloading the MyCase Sync for Dropbox, you will notice a new folder in your Dropbox account called "MyCase".

Learn more about how to install the Dropbox Sync here.

When you click on the MyCase folder in Dropbox, you will see a folder for every open case you have in your MyCase account. Any new cases that are added in MyCase will also create a new case folder in Dropbox. By default, these folders will be empty until you add documents to them in Dropbox.

User-added image

Adding documents to Dropbox:

Any files which you add to a specific case folder in Dropbox will also be viewable from the documents section of the case details page in MyCase. You can either upload new documents into a specific case folder in Dropbox, or drag and drop an existing document from your Dropbox account into a case folder in Dropbox.

Once you have added a document into a case folder within Dropbox, you will be able to view this document in your case file in MyCase:

User-added image

Editing documents in Dropbox:

Any edits that you make in either the desktop or online version of Dropbox will be immediately synced with MyCase. You can always download this latest version of the document inside of MyCase.

Please note: Moving the location of the case folders that the integration created for you will cause the case to no longer communicate with Dropbox.

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