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MyCase Desktop Overview

MyCase Desktop lets you seamlessly edit documents using the software of your choice and sync changes to MyCase as a new document version.

Updated over 9 months ago

MyCase Desktop lets you seamlessly edit documents using the software of your choice and sync changes to MyCase as a new document version - no download and re-upload required. Simply edit MyCase documents in your preferred software - like Microsoft Word, Adobe, or Microsoft Excel, and changes are automatically saved to MyCase whenever you click "Save." MyCase Desktop is a desktop app and must be installed on your computer before you can edit documents stored in MyCase. MyCase Desktop works on both Windows and Mac computers.

How it Works

The following steps are outlined:

How to Edit a Legal Document on Your Desktop Using MyCase

Download & Install MyCase Desktop

There are two ways to download MyCase Desktop:

1) From any list of documents in MyCase, click the open arrow icon to open a supported file type (.docx, .pdf, .xls, .csv, .pages, .wpd, .numbers, .wp, .ppt, .pptx).

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In the pop-up window that appears, you have the option to click "Download and Install MyCase Desktop." If you do not see this pop-up window, you must have previously checked the box "Don't show this message again." If that is the case, please go to the Apps & Integrations Page in option 2 below.

2) From the Apps & Integrations Page, click "Download and Install" in the MyCase Desktop panel.

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The download and installation experience is different for PC and Mac users.

  • Windows/PC Users: Will be directed to the Microsoft App Store Page to download and install the app. Click "Get" to download and install the app. Follow the Steps to Install MyCase Desktop onto your computer. NOTE: If you are unable to install MyCase Desktop from the Microsoft App Store Page, please contact MyCase Customer Support for assistance.

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  • Mac Users: The app will download via your browser. Open the MyCase Desktop installation package once the download is complete. Follow the Steps to Install MyCase Desktop onto your computer.

Once successfully installed, you will be able to access the app from Task Bar (Windows) or Menu Bar (Mac) near the clock. This is where you can Send Feedback, Log In, Log Out, Quit the App, and access the help article.

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If you are not automatically signed into MyCase Desktop, you will need to sign in. This window can be opened by clicking "Log In" from the MyCase icon in the Task Bar (Windows) or Menu Bar (Mac) near the clock (above).

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  • If you are already logged into MyCase in your browser, you will automatically be logged into MyCase Desktop. If not, you will need to enter your email address and password for MyCase to log into MyCase Desktop.

  • NOTE: You must be logged into the same account on both and MyCase Desktop to successfully open and save documents.

If this is your first time using MyCase Desktop, a walkthrough guide will display detailing the simple steps to successfully use the app.

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Open Documents from MyCase

From MyCase, click the open arrow icon to ope na supported file type (.docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .pages, .wpd, .numbers, .wp, .ppt, .pptx).

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You will see a pop-up window prompting you to install MyCase Desktop. If you have already installed the app successfully, please select "Don't show this message again."

  • To open the document, click "Open Document."

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If you are already signed into MyCase Desktop, the document will open automatically. The document will open in your preferred document editing software set for the file type you opened. For example, Word documents will likely open in Word by default. It may take a few seconds to open, especially if the default editing software is closed.

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  • If you are not already logged into MyCase Desktop, you will need to login. This window can be opened by clicking "Log In" from the MyCase icon in the Task Bar (Windows) or Menu Bar (Mac) near the clock.

  • Click "Sign in to MyCase."

  • If you are already logged into MyCase in your browser, you will automatically be logged into MyCase Desktop. If not, you will need to enter your email address and password for MyCase to log into MyCase Desktop.

  • Once you have logged in, the document will open in your preferred document editing software set for the file type you opened. For example, Word documents will likely open in Word by default.

Automatically Save Document Changes to MyCase

Make changes to the document and click "Save."

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  • MyCase Desktop only supports "Save" for the same document. Using "Save As" will prevent MyCase Desktop from syncing the changes to the document stored in MyCase. Instead of "Save As," please copy a document in MyCase and open the new document via MyCase Desktop to make changes.

  • If you are using Office 365, you will not be able to use the Auto-Save, synchronous collaboration/editing features, or Word Online features as they are not compatible with MyCase Desktop.

Changes to the document will be saved back to MyCase. You should see a Desktop Notification confirming the document was synced.

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Each time a user opens a document and saves changes, they will create a new version of the document. The version history can be viewed in the Documents Details page by clicking on the name of any document.


1. Where can I find MyCase Desktop on my computer?

  • On PCs, the Desktop App can be found via the MyCase icon in your Task Bar next to the clock in the bottom right corner.

  • On Mac computers, the Desktop App can be found via the MyCase icon in your Menu bar next to the clock in the top right corner.

  • You can also search for MyCase Desktop in your installed applications.

2. On which devices does MyCase Desktop work?

  • The MyCase Desktop App works on any Windows (PC) or Mac computer. It does not work on Chromebooks, tablets, or mobile phones.

3. Which types of documents can I open to view or edit with MyCase Desktop?

  • Word (.docx, .doc), PDF, Excel (.xlsx, .xls, .csv, .xlm), Word Perfect (.wpd or .wp), Pages (.pages), Numbers (.numbers), and Powerpoint (.pptx, .ppt) documents that are stored in MyCase can be viewed and edited with MyCase Desktop.

4. Which software can I use to edit documents using MyCase Desktop?

  • MyCase Desktop will open the document in your default editing software for the file type you are opening. This default software can be changed by right clicking on a file of the same type that is accessible from your local file explorer. See instructions for PCs and Macs.The default software must be installed on your computer and cannot be browser-based (e.g. Word Online for Office 365).

5. Does MyCase Desktop work with Office 365 Licenses?

  • Yes, because your Office 365 License includes the ability to install Word software on your computer. You will not be able to use the Auto-Save, synchronous collaboration/editing features, or Word Online features as they are not compatible with MyCase Desktop.

6. Can I save a document as a different document, like I typically do when I "Save As"?

  • MyCase Desktop does not support "Save As" in your installed software. If you use "Save As," the changes will not be synced back to MyCase. However, you can copy any document in MyCase and open the new document via MyCase Desktop to make changes.

7. What happens if two people are editing the same document at the same time?

  • MyCase will not prevent two people from viewing or editing a document at the same time. If you save changes to an old version of a document, MyCase Desktop will let you know that a newer version is available and allow you to open the latest version.

8. I can't log into MyCase Desktop. What should I do?

  • After unsuccessfully attempting to log into MyCase Desktop, you will see a URL that you can copy and paste into the browser. If that does not work, please contact MyCase Customer Support.

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