Following along in MyCase is recommended as you read the steps:
This article will walk you through enabling MyCase access privileges for a client/contact in MyCase. When access is enabled for a client, they will be able to login to MyCase and view selected case information you choose to share with them.
Learn more about about Sharing Information with Clients and Contacts.
βEnabling MyCase Access for New Clients
When you are first adding a client/contact into MyCase, you will be presented with standard fields such as name, address, email, etc. Among these fields, you will notice one called MyCase Client Portal Access (pictured below).
If you would like to give this client access to MyCase to view shared information, keep the toggle button "ENABLED". MyCase will send this person an email on behalf of your law firm welcoming them to your firm's MyCase account. The email (pictured below) will contain their login instructions and a link for them to setup their secure password. If you do not wish to grant them Client Portal access, toggle to button to "DISABLED".
Enabling MyCase Access for Existing Clients
If you have an existing client with MyCase access disabled, you can easily enable access for them. Here is how:
Open the Info page for the person you'd like to enable MyCase access for.
Find the field called MyCase Client Portal Access (pictured below). You will see the grey slider for Disabled.
Click the Slider to enable MyCase Access. You will be asked to confirm this action.
When their MyCase Access has been enabled, the Slider will be green.
You must have an email address specified for a client if you would like to enable MyCase access for them. If you do not have an email address on file for a person, you will not be allowed to give them MyCase Access.