Default billing rates can be customized and assigned to every employee of the firm.
When time entries are created by, or on behalf of, someone at the firm, their default billing rate will be pre-populated in the rate field.
Setting/Editing a Default Billing Rate
Navigate to your Settings
Underneath Firm, click Firm Users
Find the name of the user you would like to set a default billing rate for
Under the Default Hourly Rate column, click the pencil icon to set/edit a default hourly rate
Click the blue Update Rate button
Once these steps have been completed, a default billing rate will be set for the employee.
Default billing rates can be overridden on a per-case basis. For example: Your default billing rate is $250/hr., but there is a case/matter that you would like to bill at $300/hr. No problem!
Overriding billing rates for New Cases
When opening a new case/matter, you have the option of overriding default billing rates on a per user basis. When creating a new case, the final step will take you to the Staff Link screen. The Case Billing Rate Column on the right will pull in everyone's default billing rate, but you can edit the rate if need be. Just simply select the drop down list and change it to case rate. This will allow you to enter a new rate for this particular case. When time entries are created for this person, for this case, it will use the specified billing rate instead of the default rate.
Overriding billing rates for Existing Cases
You can go back and edit/update the billing rates for a particular case at anytime. Open the Case Details Page, then click the Contact & Staff Link Button. The Staff Link column on the right will show you every firm employee who has been linked to the case along with each person's billing rate for this case. Click the rate (displayed as a blue link) to display the Case Rate Window where you can then update the billing rate for that user, for this case.