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Advanced Document Automation Sample Templates

Pre-built templates to help you get started

Updated over a week ago

To access our sample templates, please visit this page.

Steps to use these templates

1: If you want to use a template from scratch

  1. Download template

  2. Open template in Word

  3. Click “Build a New Template

  4. Upload sample template to Saved Templates Collection

  5. Go to MyCase > Case > Documents > Add

  6. Select Advanced Templates

  7. Choose sample template

  8. Create document

2: If you already have templates and want to copy pre-mapped fields from these templates

  1. Download sample template

  2. Open template in Word

  3. Open MyCase Add-in side panel

  4. Click “Edit Template”

  5. Go to Menu > Reuse Fields > Copy Field Data

  6. Open your existing template in Word

  7. Open MyCase Add-in side panel

  8. Go to Menu > Reuse Fields

  9. Paste into text box

  10. Click “Import Field Data

  11. Start Inserting fields into your template using “Insert Field” button

  12. Upload sample template to Saved Templates Collection

  13. Go to MyCase > Case > Documents > Add

  14. Select Advanced Templates

  15. Choose sample template

  16. Create document

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