When the time comes to deposit offline payments at the bank, you’ll often deposit multiple payments from different sources like Cash, Check, etc. The bank will then post these items in a single transaction with one total and not separately. If you enter the same payments as separate records in MyCase, they may not match how your bank records the deposit.
In these cases, MyCase has a way for you to combine transactions so your records match your real-life bank deposit.
Create Deposit Slip
From the Banking Page select the sub-tab for Deposit Slips
Click on the “Create New Deposit Slip” action button in the upper right corner.
Upon seeing
Deposit Slip Number
Deposit Date
Bank Account
Choose Apply Filters
Select the checkbox for each transaction you want to include in this Deposit Slip
Ensure that the total selected matches the amount that you deposited into the bank.
Save you finalized Deposit Slip with the Save button
Important: All transactions that are within the chosen date range and with the associated bank account will display unless they have been previously matched.
Edit Deposit Slip: Add or Remove an item to or from a Deposit Slip
Added a payment by mistake? No problem. If you want to remove or add a specific payment to/from your previously created deposit slip follow these steps:
Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the Deposit Slip that you would like to edit
Uncheck the checkbox for the payment you want to remove
Select Save
If you remove a payment it will go to the available status and you will be able to add it to a different deposit slip once updated.
Important: You cannot edit the bank account associated with an existing deposit slip. If you need to you can delete this deposit slip and start again.
Delete a Deposit Slip
If you need to start over and delete a bank deposit you can delete a bank deposit by selecting the trash can icon on the right hand side of the slip
Important: If the deposit slip is matched to a bank feed transaction it will be unmatched when deleted. Also, you will not be able to delete a deposit slip that has been part of a completed reconciliation report.
View Deposit Slip
If you would like to view your deposit slip simply click on the highlighted deposit slip number on the left side of the screen. This will populate the Deposit Slip on a new screen.
Print Deposit Slip
If you'd like to save a digital copy or print your Deposit Slip, select the Printer icon on the right hand side of desired Desired Deposit Slip. This will open a print preview window where you can print or elect to save as a PDF.