The sync between MyCase and QuickBooks allows you to send detailed Invoice, Payment and Retainer information from MyCase to QuickBooks with just a few simple clicks. We’ve also optimized the set-up of the sync, so that it can easily be done in just a few minutes on your own.
How to Integrate MyCase with Quickbooks
To begin the set-up, select Integrations & Apps in the upper right hand corner of your account. Once inside this section, navigate to the QuickBooks Sync section and click "Install Now" (if you previously used our sync and are upgrading to our new version, you will see an "Upgrade Now" button instead). You’ll then be presented with a window, which explains all of the accounts which MyCase syncs to. We’ll present the accounts in this article in the order which you’ll see them during self-setup, so from this screen click the Connect to QuickBooks button - you’ll then be asked to input your credentials and Authorize the sync between MyCase and QuickBooks.
After authorizing the sync, you’ll be presented with the first screen of the set-up, where you’ll be asked for the three required accounts needed to start using the sync:
Operating Bank Account - This is your firm’s checking account, which contains funds for your firm operations – payments from customers are deposited into this account.
Income Account - Money earned from the sale of your services is recorded as income. Your firm might have one income account or several, depending on the detail needed for your financial analysis. For our integration we are only able to specify a single income account, this account should be specifically for legal fee income that you receive from your clients.
Client Expenses Account - Client expenses are many times called “Advanced Client Costs”. This account is used when paying expenses on behalf of your client. Advanced Client Costs are typically set-up as an Asset, usually an Other Current Asset, as the IRS considers these to be a loan that will be paid back by your client.
Once you’ve selected the above three accounts, click "Next", where you’ll be presented with a question about General (non-trust) retainers.
Operating Liability Account - This account is used for general or non-trust retainers, to help track retainers which are deposited directly into your Operating Bank Account, since the money is intermingled with the Firm’s funds. Unlike Trust Accounting, there is no transfer of funds, this is used strictly to account for the “credit” the client has left before they need to replenish their retainer.
If your firm accepts non-trust retainers directly into your operating account, change the dropdown to "Yes", and you’ll be prompted to specify the liability account associated with your retainers - many times called a Cash Liability Account. If you do not accept non-trust retainers, simply select "No" and then click the "Next" button.
The final screen in the set-up will ask you about your firm’s Trust Accounting Practices. If your firm accepts Trust retainers, select Yes, and you’ll then be prompted to specify you Trust Bank Account and Trust Liability Account:
Trust Bank Account - A client trust account is a checking account set up to hold money that a client or clients have given you in advance of performing work on their case. As money is earned it is transferred out of the Trust Account and into the Operating Account.
Trust Liability Account - This is a liability account, which offsets the funds in your Trust Account, so that those funds do not appear as income until they are earned. The amount in your Trust Liability Account should match your Trust Bank Account. If you are not familiar with how this works, it is recommended that you reach out to your Accountant for more information.
After specifying your Trust Accounting settings, click the Complete Setup button, and you’ll be returned to the Integrations & Settings. You’re now all set to begin using the sync!
Surcharge - If you are set up to collect surcharge, you will also need to manually create a Surcharge service item in Quickbooks, and link it to the appropriate income account.
*To manually create a service item: click Settings > Products & Services > New > Service.
Then, open the Quickbooks sync modal in your MyCase account (located beneath the Quickbooks tile in Integrations & Apps), select Settings > Advanced, and select the service item you created in the dropdown list for “Surcharge.”
Note: QuickBooks does not support deposits directly into an "undeposited funds" account, therefore you will not be able to use this as your Operating or Trust account.