You can create folders within your cases and organize documents into them. This article outlines how to get the most out of our File Folders feature.
Following along in MyCase is recommended as you read the steps:
Creating File Folders in a Case
To create a folder system within a case, open the Case Details page for the case or enter it into the search bar. Then, under the Items & Info tab (selected by default), click the Documents tab.
On the right side, there is an Add button. From here; you can upload a new document, create a document from a template, create a folder within your case, or apply default folders to your case.
Clicking the Folder button will display the window for creating a new folder. Type the name of the folder you would like to create and click Add New Folder when ready.
Folders can also be created within Folders. Simply click on the folder you have already created, and you will see the Add button appear in the same location. So long as you are within a folder, a sub-folder will be added to it if you follow the steps above for adding folders as usual. For example, in the images below, the folder, "Court Documents," was chosen. Once within the folder, the 'Add' button was clicked and then 'Folder' to add the sub-folder, "Discovery Documents."
Moving Documents Into Folders
When looking at a list of documents on a Case Details page, you will notice each document now has a checkbox to the left of its icon. When you select one or more of these checkboxes, a drop-down option labeled "Actions" will appear at the top of the document list with an option for "Move."
Clicking the "Move" button will display a window asking you where you'd like to move the document(s) to (pictured below). Documents can only be moved to other folders that exist within the case you are working in - you cannot move a document that belongs to "Case A" into a folder that belongs to "Case B". To display more files per each page, scroll to the bottom and click on "Rows Per Page" at the lower right hand corner of the file list.
Simply click the folder that you would like to move the selected document(s) into. Sub-Folders will also appear on this screen.
Renaming a Folder
To rename a folder, click the pencil icon to the far right of a folder name. A box will appear with the current folder name highlighted, and once you have finished editing, click "Save" to finalize your changes.
Deleting a Folder
To delete a folder, click the trashcan icon on the right side of the screen (pictured below). A folder cannot be deleted unless it is empty - you will have to move the documents out of the folder or delete the documents before the folder can be deleted.
Sharing a Folder with a Client
To share the contents of a folder with a client, first the client must be enabled for the client portal. Then you can navigate to the case file where the folder is housed and click on the Documents tab.
After you click in the Documents tab, click into the folder where the documents are that you wish to share. Once clicked into the folder, click the checkboxes next to all of the documents that will be shared. Then click the Actions button, then click Share.
From here, you can click the checkboxes next to the names of the clients you wish to share the documents with. When finished, click Share.
The client will receive an email notification letting them know documents have been shared with them. When they open this in their client portal, they will be able to view the documents and they will show in their respected folder.