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Financial Insights

MyCase’s Financial Insights page gives your firm a visual representation of your firm's financial data.

Updated over 6 months ago

MyCase’s Financial Insights page gives your firm a visual representation of your firm's financial data so you can better understand firm profitability and billing productivity by staff. The data visualization helps to tell your data’s story and provides an easy snapshot of what is happening within your firm.


To navigate to the Financial Insights page click on the Billing tab at the top of your account and then select the sub-tab of Insights (pictured below). By default this is only available to the firm’s Admin User(s), other users can be granted access inside of permissions settings. To learn more about changing user permissions, click here.

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There are three different aspects to Financial Insights that will allow you to have a quick snapshot of the financial health of your firm: Collected vs. Billed amounts, Collected Amounts by Practice Area, and Hours Recorded by Employee.

Collect vs. Billed Amounts: In your collected vs. billed amounts chart you will be able to see the total amount of open cases that your firm has at the current time. Collected amounts refer to the date that the payments were collected, while billed amounts refer to the invoice date. This means that payments collected invoices created outside of the date range will not apply to this total.

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Collected By Practice Area: This pie chart will show you the collected amounts for each practice area during the defined date range. There will also be a total amount collected shown in the center of this chart. Collected amounts refer to the date that the payments were collected. This means that payments collected outside of the date range will not apply to this total.

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Hours Recorded by Employee: In the hours recorded by employee, you will be able to see the total amount of hours (billable & non-billable) for each user at the firm during the defined date range. If you hover your cursor over a specific user this will be broken down by total billable and non-billable hours.

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Applying Filters to These Insights:
At the top of the Financial Insights page you have the opportunity to apply four different filters that will change the results of these charts. You can filter these charts based on a case’s: Date Range, Assigned Lead Attorney, Practice Area, and assigned Office or a combination of these filters. Be sure to select the option to ‘Apply Filters’ when you change any of these options. Lastly, you have the ability to clear these filters with the click of a button as well, then apply the cleared filters.

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