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How do flat fee cases work?

When opening a new case/matter, you will be asked to specify its fee structure.

Updated over 10 months ago

When opening a new case/matter, you will be asked to specify its fee structure.


If this case/matter will have a flat fee associated with it, or it will be a mix between a flat fee and additional hourly/expense charges, choose the Flat Fee or Mix of Flat Fee and Hourly option.

MyCase will then ask you to enter the flat fee amount that your client owes for this case (pictured below). If you don't know the flat fee amount at this time, leave this field blank. You can always go back and edit the flat fee amount for a case.

When the case is then added to the system, MyCase knows there is a flat fee associated with it. In the example above, MyCase knows that this matter has an outstanding flat fee amount of $5,000.00 and will make an entry for that amount in your accounts receivable.

Invoicing Flat Fee Cases

When you create an invoice for a "Flat Fee" or "Mixed Flat/Hourly" case, there will be four sections under which you can add line items to the invoice: Flat Fees - Time Entries - Expenses- Adjustments (pictured below, next to green circles).

User-added image

When creating time entries and expenses for "Flat Fee" cases, you will have the option of marking each entry as non-billable by checking the non-billable box. This is useful for situations where you only want to charge your client the negotiated flat fee amount, but would still like to track your time/expenses and present them on the invoice (without affecting the amount due).

If you add time entries or expenses to "Flat Fee" cases WITHOUT checking non-billable, MyCase will bill your client for these items.

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